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List price: 2,400 yen
Editing and production: JAZZ CITY
Publisher: JAZZ CITY
Published: April 30, 2024
ISBN: 978-4-9913431-0-0 C0072
Appearance: Modified A4 size (W210mm×H278mm) / full color
Cover / matte coated paper 220 kg, PP processing
Body / matte coated paper 90 kg
Total number of pages: 152 pages
A collection of photographs introducing 34 jazz kissa across Japan taken from 2022 to 2023. "Memories of jazz kissa in 2022-2023", including shops that have already closed. A photo book that is a sequel to "Jazz Kissa 2014" Vol.1 and Vol.2, which introduced a total of 136 jazz kissa in eastern Japan.
This book is a photo book, so there are no text articles. The table of contents and store address in Japanese and English are posted.
From the “Afterword” of this book
Up until now, we had published three photo books, “JAZZ KISSA 2014” Vol.1 & Vol.2, and “JAZZ KISSA 2015-2019.” There had never been a collection of photos published in Japan that solely captured Jazz Kissa, and this whole project was really a shot at making a “world’s first”, so I never expected the response to such an eccentric series of books to be so great. “JAZZ KISSA 2022-2023” will be the fourth work, and the reason why there isn’t an installation named “JAZZ KISSA 2020-2021” is because I was unable to cover even a single Jazz Kissa during the COVID-19 pandemic. For that span of two years, I didn’t even step foot into a normal cafe or restaurant, even once. That was because I was afraid of getting infected myself, or spreading the infection to my family or to aging shop owners. However, in 2024, few people are concerned anymore. COVID-19 hasn’t gone extinct, and the world hasn’t gone back to normal, but it at least seems I can go around and cover Jazz Kissa like back in 2019 and earlier. The COVID-19 pandemic caused severe damage to restaurants around the world, and many have closed their doors, but few Jazz Kissa in Japan have actually closed due to the pandemic. A much bigger problem in Japan is the aging owners and aging buildings. Fortunately, however, the number of new Jazz Kissa being created by the younger generation, as well as regular customers of Jazz Kissa reaching out to continue them as volunteers, is increasing, and about one-third of the 34 cafes featured in this book are run by new owners who have emerged in the past few years.
Previously, each location took up two pages, but this time we decided to halve the number of locations listed and instead use four pages for each. This may have made the book more powerful and appealing than the previous three.
JAZZ KISSA 2022 -2023 List of 34 stores in total
《IWATE perfecture》Jazz Time Johnny
《MIYAGI perfecture》Paragonian
《TOKYO》Slow Boat/Player’ s Bar R /Ella &Louis/tonlist
《Niigata perfecture》Jazz Flash/Swan/A7/Bird
《SHIZUOKA perfecture》Mam’selle
《AICHI perfecture 》Aoneko/ Varirela / London House/Good Bait
《MIE perfecture 》Doji House/Bogard /Swing(Closed in 2024)
《Nara perfecture》Ellington
《KYOTO》 Yamatoya/Train/Hanaya/Hachi Record Shop&Bar
《Osaka》Long Walk Coffee/Dear Lord/ Sway/Sub/Tipografia
《Hyogo perfecture》M&M/Stage
《OKAYAMA perfecture 》Gojitoma
定価:本体 2,400円+税
ISBN : 978-4-9913431-0-0 C0072
体裁:変型A4判(W210mm×H278mm) 無線綴じ 色数/フルカラー
『JAZZ KISSA 2014』Vol.1&Vol.2、『JAZZ KISSA 2015-2019』と3冊の写真集をこれまで発行してきた。ジャズ喫茶のみをただ写しただけという写真集はそれまで日本にもなく、これが世界初の試みとなったわけだが、このような風変わりな本がここまでの反響を呼ぶとは自分でもまったく予想もしていなかった。『JAZZ KISSA 2022-2023』は4作目になるが、『JAZZ KISSA 2020-2021』というタイトルがこのシリーズに欠けているのは、この期間はコロナ禍のために私が1軒のジャズ喫茶も取材できなかったためである。2020年から2021年の2年間、私はジャズ喫茶だけでなく、一般の喫茶店やレストランにも一度も入らなかった。それは自分や家族、そして高齢化した店主たちへの感染を恐れたからだが、2024年のいま、それを気にする人はもはやほとんどいなくなった。Covid19が絶滅したわけではないし、この世界が元通りになったわけではないのだが、どうやら2019年以前のようにジャズ喫茶を訪ねて写真を撮ることができるようになった。コロナ禍で世界中の飲食店が大きなダメージを受け、閉店した店もたくさんあるが、日本のジャズ喫茶にかんしていえば、Covid19が原因で閉店した例はわずかで、店主の高齢化や建物の老朽化のほうがはるかに大きな問題だ。ただ、幸いにも、若い世代や店の常連有志たちによって生まれた新しいジャズ喫茶も少しずつ増えていて、この本に掲載した34店のうちのおよそ三分の一は、ここ数年のうちに現れた新しい経営者たちによる店だ。
2022-2023年のジャズ喫茶 掲載店(計34店)
《東京》スローボート/Player’ s Bar R /レトロ喫茶エラ&ルイ/tonlist
《愛知》青猫/グッドベイト /バリレラ/ロンドンハウス
《京都》YAMATOYA/Hachi Record Shop and Bar /トレイン/ HANAYA
《大阪》 ロングウォークコーヒー/Sway/チッポグラフィア/SUB/ディアロード
《兵庫》ステージ/ M&M
《愛媛》マニアナ/JUG/ ロン